Collaboration with the magazine BELLO2BUONO
News, Italy, Milano, 29 October 2012
Dear friends, dear friends,
This email is to inform you that from today I started working as a contributor to the online magazine BELLO2BUONO.
In my book invisibilia discover what lies in the work of a painting. You will discover step by step all that you ever wanted to know but no one ever wants to communicate when you try to create a work of art.
Try it for yourself by clicking on
... and if you like you can click on "like" and comment also (what then would be the best ...)
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Comments 7

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Piero Lerda
12 years ago
Piero Lerda Artist
in bocca al lupo
Andrea Ciresola
12 years ago
Grazie a tutti!
12 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Excellent!! All the very best, Andrea :-)
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Tous mes voeux !
12 years ago
Adi Artist
great idea..wish you all the best
Mirta Vignatti
12 years ago
Ho aperto e visionato il progetto...semplicemente fantastico questo diario d'artista ... mi ha fatto riflettere sopratutto il giorno che "non si dipinge" e la possibilità di continuare la tela anche faccendo "altro"...( personalmente approfondirei anche o sopratutto tutte quelle altre "cose minori del quotidiano" e il modo che nutrono "virtualmente" il quadro)...BELLO!!!!! :-)

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