Maria Zambrano Station

Maria Zambrano Station

Exhibitions, Italy, Palermo, 19 January 2012
A video A sound performance A reading Giovanna Cossu Eve Geraci Lelio Giannetto Tommasina Squadrito Anghelos Communication Studies Center Via Pirandello 40 Palermo The Video Station Mar...Read all

Maria Zambrano Station

Exhibitions, Italy, Palermo, 19 January 2012
A video A sound performance A reading Giovanna Cossu Eve Geraci Lelio Giannetto Tommasina Squadrito Anghelos Communication Studies Center Via Pirandello 40 Palermo The Video Station Mar...Read all
Would you give the life for Palermo?

Would you give the life for Palermo?

News, Italy, Palermo, 01 October 2010
Blog: Born into a series of questions: who am I for you? And you? And us, the one and the others? And together, who are? Do we make place? And that place?...Read all
Pecha Kucha Night

Pecha Kucha Night

Exhibitions, Italy, Catania, 15 December 2009
On the occasion of Pecha Kucha Night-Catania Galerie G of the UVUO-Union of Visual Artists of Olomouc (Czech Republic) will be presented by Tommasina Squadrito and Michael Suart Esson.
new post blog

new post blog

News, Italy, Palermo, 06 November 2009
I think the sea-sky
new post blog

new post blog

News, Italy, Palermo, 29 September 2009
--- window always open --
news post blog

news post blog

News, Italy, Palermo, 09 September 2009