Exhibitions, Italy, Piacenza, 05 April 2014

The works of Paola Calcatelli capture the ephemeral that characterizes human artifacts and the precariousness of the sensible world , highlighting the contrast between this condition and the continuous struggle unchangeable by man, engaged in an attempt to preserve something of himself in time . They draw inspiration from graphemes formal elementary and minimalist geometry , drawing the sign before and primitive tangible manifestation of the human intellect , and are delivered to time and nature of each thing that they are right, ideally joining the start with the end.
The artifacts are subject to a slow deterioration. Paintings in tempera paints are bound with a very small amount of gum arabic, but also chalks are not fixed , and are therefore affected by a single movement of the hand. The works in metal are modified by oxidation of the substrate. The installations are made using materials etrogenei , such as ice, snow , sand, and are entrusted to nature , weather and the passage of time .
Some work has already undergone a considerable change since they were entrusted to their natural evolution , other changes are slower and more difficult to detect , and others, designed from the outset to a short-lived were destroyed , and all that remains is the digital trail .
Every job created is "saved" in a digital library, in the form of image , video or traditional video made with the technique of timelapse .
Each work refers to the space that corresponds to the computer , on which you can check its status at a time when it has been abandoned to their fate , so as to check for any change compared to the real consideration .
The interaction between the two souls of the work is done thanks to the intervention of the spectator, who relates materially , establishing an effective comparison , and intellectually , dealing with time and with the events that occur between the ideal state and the actual state .

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"Time is a moving image of eternity "
(Plato, Timaeus 37d )
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