Marche Centro d'Arte
Exhibitions, Italy, Ascoli Piceno, San Benedetto del Tronto, 17 January 2010
Marconi Gallery of Cupra Marittima starts again the exhibitions named I don't know and I don't want to know it. On Sunday the 17th January at 6 p.m. the first appointment of Marche Centro d'Arte ( Marche centre of art) is opening, It is a small series of three expositions dedicated to the Marche art turmoils, that is proposed again after the success of last year.
The curator Cristina Petrelli presents the works of Roberto Cicchiné, Armando Fanelli, Niba and Ivana Spinelli. They are four artists who, using different art languages, give the idea of the art situations in our area.

“ Take a distance from the present moment in order to reinterpret one's background.A kind of progress which doesn't follow a clear sequence, but goes along irregular paths where what's before and after are together in the same moment. In Roberto Cicchiné shots, his personal memory takes part at the collettive choises, while crystallizing in the symbol.
The unavoidable dissolution becomes a sign of the necessary crossing, that prepare to what's new.
In his video Armando Fanelli outlines an emotional map, where the great complexity of human relationships can be perceived throughout the porous border of the skin,.It's a process which continues in the photos, where what's usually hidden is overbearingly showed off.
In Niba sculptures, there is only the form of the female body, kept inside close-fitting latex clothings. The reflection gets real through the symmetrical game of duplication, celebrating the fleeting aspect of appearing.
In Ivana Spinelli installation, objects of domestic life pass one after the other. The use of black ink on the white background gives to the image an uncertain existence, between its appearing and disappearing.
The path traced by the artists, through the exposed works, confirms the idea that in every individual experience, all that we get in touch with accidentally is really absorbed, more than what we would like to remember. The flow of time, the neverending becoming of the existance, emerges without any obstacle". (Cristina Petrelli)

I don't know and I don't want to know isn't just an answer, it's also a provocation, an attitude and, after all, a kind of agnosticism, that about art we could say cultural. It is a way to face the great questions about mankind: where do we come from? Where do we go? Why sorrow? Why baked potatoes are never enough?
An answer which is often convenient, sometimes upsetting. It expresses the will of ignorance, that is very far from the Socratic statement following which, the real wise man is the one who knows he doesn't know. There isn't any will for knowledge, no curiosity, only detachment and indifference.
This sentence is often made in front of an art proposal and it hurts a little. The one who says it may seem a bit out of the time, but he really is often one of the not too much silent majority.
It would now be legitimate to answer the question: why such a title for a program of expositions?
The answer is already in the title, after all.

scheda tecnica/technical card

curatore/curator by Cristina Petrelli
testo critico/art critic by Cristina Petrelli

ufficio stampa/ press agent Dario Ciferri
traduzione di/translation by Patrizia Isidori

relazioni esterne e promozione delle attività/ external relationship and promotion of activities Stefania Palanca
fotografia/photography Marco Biancucci©
riprese video/video shooting Stefano Abbadini
allestimenti/preparation Marco Croci
progetto grafico/graphic project maicol e mirco

dal 17 gennaio al 14 febbraio
from 17th january to 14th february
orario: lunedì-sabato dalle 16 alle 20
opening time: Mon-Sat 4 to 8 p.m.

Galleria Marconi di Franco Marconi Vittorio Emanuele, 70
63012 Cupra Marittima (AP)
tel 0735778703

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