Naturacultura - Il potere modellante della parola
Exhibitions, Italy, Ascoli Piceno, San Benedetto del Tronto, 27 February 2011
Marconi Gallery and the Municipal Administration of Cupra Marittima (Department of Culture) present the second appointment of Natureculture. It's a project with three group expositions that wants to draw attention to the controversial and fascinating relationship between nature and culture.
For this event Marconi Gallery will present the works by Daniele Duranti, Carla Mattii, Sabrina Muzi, Giorgio Pignotti and Giovanni Termini. Exhibition and texts cured by Cristina Petrelli.

Fourth appointment of the series Too Much! Marconi Gallery exagerates!, Natureculture is an invitation to reflect about the future of our species, of our world and of our lifestyle. Art observes the contemporary and gives voice and shape to hopes, fears, concerns and dreams. Natureculture glance is sometimes clear and sometimes dreamlike, a unique path doesn't exist, neither an absolute truth, but thousand of possible paths, to recreate a respectful relationship and a future on our planet, the only one we have at our disposal.

"How many kind of realities do exist? Scattered confettis, aseptic candor petals, landscapes of indefinable essence, details able to evoke primordial intincts and figures which question our ability to judge. Tact, sight, hearing allow our intellect to elaborate a personal perception of the reality, entering into the complex and varied relationship existing between nature and culture. Different perspectives, coming from the delicate status of dynamic interdependence that is created between man, as a social process, and the natural spirit. In such context the work by Daniele Duranti leads to a meditation about the relationship between direct and mediated vision, thinking about the subtle balance of reality and invention. A combination of reality and artifice which is concentrated on natural elements in Carla Mattii works. Artificially reproduced petals, pistils and leaves invite to originate new organic species, without any possible evolvability. Sabrina Muzi turns the relationship between limit and infinite into a permanent and unfathomable fight, which finds a means of exploring the most irrational part of man in nature. Giorgio Pignotti gives this possibility to the figure, concentrating the attention on the identity matter. Face becomes the means through which we can consider the possibility to recognize who we have before through physical characteristics. Instead the installations by Giovanni Termini, always on the edge of paradox, can express the contrast between the unrestrainable flowing of existance and the tendency to built certainties. Different experiences that represent personal ways to give form to the real. A kind of interpretive process we could juxtapose to the one realized by the language, which has its original expression in the oral practice and finds on writing its next form. The story this way becomes a precious and rich source where dive in orfer to be astonished by the many and endless forms of the relationship between nature and culture. A relations connection to be seen relying to the modelling power of the word". (Cristina Petrelli)

A new series for the sixteenth year of activity, in the renewed spaces of Marconi Gallery, but strongly roteed in its research course. All this would seem already Too much. But it cannot be sufficient. Our hope is to work still coherently, with our being willful and wanting to grow, always behind the times, capturing ideas and changes of our time. All this would seem Too much as well. There is neither arrogance nor immodesty but the 2010-2011 series is just entitled Too Much (Marconi Gallery exagerates), because in a world where there is the crisis that is involving million of people, where everyone of us is subjected to cuts and restrictions of the fundamental rights, we feel the desire to overflow, and not only physically

scheda tecnica/technical card

curatore/curator by Cristina Petrelli
testo critico/art critic by Cristina Petrelli

ufficio stampa/ press agent Dario Ciferri
traduzione di/translation by Patrizia Isidori

relazioni esterne e promozione delle attività/ external relationship and promotion of activities Stefania Palanca
fotografia/photography Marco Biancucci©
riprese video/video shooting Stefano Abbadini
allestimenti/preparation Marco Croci
progetto grafico/graphic project maicol e mirco

dal 27 febbraio al 27 marzo
from 27thfebruary to 27th march
orario: lunedì-sabato dalle 16 alle 20
opening time: Mon-Sat 4 to 8 p.m.

Galleria Marconi di Franco Marconi Vittorio Emanuele, 70
63012 Cupra Marittima (AP)
tel 0735778703

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