Natureculture - Denaturated
Exhibitions, Italy, Ascoli Piceno, San Benedetto del Tronto, 03 April 2011
The Municipal Administration of Cupra Marittima (Department of Culture) and Marconi Gallery present the third appointment of Natureculture on 3rd April at 6.00 p.m.. It's a project with three group expositions that wants to draw attention to the controversial and fascinating relationship between nature and culture.

The third event of Natureculture, named "Denaturated", presents the works by Daniele Camaioni, Giulia Corradetti, Rocco Dubbuni, maicol e mirco, Ivana Spinelli, Rita Soccio and Rita Vi tali Rosati. Text and event cured by Gloria Gradassi.

Fifth appointment of the series Too Much! Marconi Gallery exagerates!, Natureculture is an invitation to reflect about the future of our species, of our world and of our lifestyle. Art observes the contemporary and gives voice and shape to hopes, fears, concerns and dreams. Natureculture glance is sometimes clear and sometimes dreamlike, a unique path doesn't exist, neither an absolute truth, but thousand of possible paths, to recreate a respectful relationship and a future on our planet, the only one we have at our disposal.

"The lost balance between man and nature opens scenaries where art represents the drifts of the present, through denounce, condemnation, observation, rebellion and imagination. The natural environment, primary aspect of the human life, is now excluded to us all and the production-global commercialization system turn simple actions as touching the ground with hands, walking in a wood, collecting olives into goods for sale with labels of bio-experiences, a true radical-shock!
It's a fortune we are also full of contradictions and while we wildly spoil our Planet we also decide we want to save it. We need to know which part we share, which is the better point. The artists of the exposition, denaturated for condition, observe from different positions, making questions or trying to give solutions, knowing that the power of art is to communicate and to simbolically interfere on reality. They defend nature as it was something sacred , as primary energy indispensable to human life (Rocco Dubbini, Daniele Camaioni), they denounce the violence of man towards nature (Rita Vitali Rosati, Rita Soccio), they launch alarms (Maicol e Mirco, Ivana Spinelli), or they imagine new worlds in order to recreate an armony between nature and technology (Giulia Corradetti).
Such different visions are an important visual evidence and evoke radical and active art experiences which come to be topical in a period of ecological planetary emergency, and it's a prove that art doesn't finish in the work itself"
(Gloria Gradassi)

A new series for the sixteenth year of activity, in the renewed spaces of Marconi Gallery, but strongly roteed in its research course. All this would seem already Too much. But it cannot be sufficient. Our hope is to work still coherently, with our being willful and wanting to grow, always behind the times, capturing ideas and changes of our time. All this would seem Too much as well. There is neither arrogance nor immodesty but the 2010-2011 series is just entitled Too Much Marconi Gallery exagerates!, because in a world where there is the crisis that is involving million of people, where everyone of us is subjected to cuts and restrictions of the fundamental rights, we feel the desire to overflow, and not only physically.

scheda tecnica/technical card

curatore/curator by Gloria Gradassi
testo critico/art critic by Gloria Gradassi

ufficio stampa/ press agent Dario Ciferri
traduzione di/translation by Patrizia Isidori

relazioni esterne e promozione delle attività/ external relationship and promotion of activities Stefania Palanca
fotografia/photography Marco Biancucci©
riprese video/video shooting Stefano Abbadini
allestimenti/preparation Marco Croci
progetto grafico/graphic project maicol e mirco

dal 3 aprile al 1 maggio
from 3th april to 1th may
orario: lunedì-sabato dalle 16 alle 20
opening time: Mon-Sat 4 to 8 p.m.

Galleria Marconi di Franco Marconi Vittorio Emanuele, 70
63012 Cupra Marittima (AP)
tel 0735778703

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