Fairs, Italy, Padova, 15 November 2013
APAI - Association for the Promotion of Arts in Italian - is presented for the first time to ArtePadova , 2013, giving ample space to artists who distinguish themselves in today for innovation, research , sensitivity, personal artistic figure .
Hot topic, that of contemporary art and its history , which will be gutted by Prof. Alberto D'Atanasio , Professor of Aesthetics discipline of Visual Languages ​​at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brescia , as well as a scholar and professor of the history of ' art and semiotics of non-verbal language , in the conference "The reading of the work of art from the Paleolithic to contemporary between symbol and logo", which will be held Saturday, November 16 at 11:00 am in the space set up in Hall 2 .

A sort of dialogue , that of Prof. D'Atanasio , on reading the work of art in the light of a new analysis which is a synthesis of several disciplines related to each other . The project will seek to examine , briefly , the analysis of ancient symbols which are then the basis for a more historical - aesthetic art criticism . The aim is to gather more specific skills in order to create around the artist , its socio-cultural context , and then work a reasonable depth that does not stop just at the mere sight of the artwork.

Rediscovering the very high value that has in our Italian Art History, brutally cut off for lack of coverage by the current economic political machine that spends hundreds of millions of Euros instead of protecting the Italian heritage not only in abandoned structures, movable and immovable property , but also in the minds of the younger generation who are no longer trained to knowledge, to the care and preservation of our historical and artistic heritage . The intervention tends to stimulate the desire to discover the soul and raise awareness of capable , knowledgeable and erudite because there is a constant effort for certain issues become the focus of an Italian political culture . Events, such as Padua , can no longer be only mere exhibition opportunities .

And hence the importance of re- discover and develop language archetype through signs and symbols universally valid , carved in stone , painted on canvas, carved in wood or, as in performance " Skinnhands " artist SantaSeveso , followed by the conference , imprinted with natural pigments in the transparency of the resin in imitation of human skin : quell'involucro thin clothes us and protects us , separated from the body and soul acquires new qualities . The skin thus generates new forms , different and independent from the usual ones that assumes wrapping the human body, now no longer belongs to him .

The hands, engraved by the artist and reproduced SantaSeveso during the performance , are the anatomic us most identfica . Although most people do not know it , they express our inner life, are able to create a special language . They are capable of expressing symbols , real ciphers : a secret language . An apotropaic symbol that expresses the hidden need to distance themselves from something, either consciously or unconsciously .

The artist is not interested in investigating the human being as an individual in its entirety, but as special material of modernity. This is just the beginning of an ambitious project that involves the study and the staging of the human body in all its parts work very particular , an artistic rendering unusual and sometimes disturbing .

The artist SantaSeveso , at the end of the performance and in the days to follow , will be available on the stand n . 14 Apai of Art to play the imprint of the hand of anyone who wants to pass on the "proper matrix " as an ancient map .

Artists in the exhibition: Antonella Agnello, Maria Amendola, Marisa Bellini, Sara Belloni, Donata Bonanomi, Gianni Colangelo Senz'ArteNeParte, Francesco Costa, Simone Gatti, Ruslan Ivanytskyy, L' aura, Mauro Malafronte, Aldo Claudio Medorini, Giuliana Natali, Flavio Tiberio Petricca, Vincenzo Russo , SantaSeveso, Giuliana Silvestrini, Gerry Turano.

Laura Lucibello - Press Apai - mobile 333 5994451

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Mirta Vignatti
10 years ago

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