Exhibitions, Italy, Viterbo, 01 January 1970
Palazzo Orsini - Bomarzo (Vt), 20/30 june 2011
Project aims to promote creativity, socialization, knowledge and intercultural

Below is the draft that we are organizing an event, anyone interested can apply for the Regulation and the registration form to info.apai @ virgilio.it. All updates are still visible on the site www.apai.forumfree.it

“Halfway through the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark for the straightforward pathway had been lost”
So read Dante Alighieri in 1300 in the step of beginning of the Divine Comedy, focusing now on how his was still a collective experience. And, as he walked, the more this road is made dark and dark to inspire awe. The same internal loss that crosses every individual in a given period and / or a particular event in his life. But outside that loss is experienced also by the entire community, where social factors and environmental triggers are involved.
So the choice of Divine Comedy, which deal with the revolutionary message in the use of literature and art in the knowledge of life and spirituality of the individual, its essence still and always so contemporary, with his intrinsic language accessible and close to the population in the fourteenth century, was poor and devoid of culture.
In summary, a project in which a space for individual artistic skills, attentive to the development of new socio-cultural languages. The project aims to be a leader able to involve young people in particular, such as ferries of this new millennium. The ultimate goal is to send a message: the presence of positive and proactive is the first gun buy-back of a place and a time when the weakening of cultural, spiritual, artistic devil lies in the indifference and isolation. The comparison with this work that over the centuries has been an example to all the arts, is flying to get to the translation of a divine intent and particularly wise and poetic through a philosophy of social tolerance and the weaker, and with particular attention young people. A project designed to cater to the broadest number of recipients outlining a sort of cultural bridge usable in visual, literary, spiritual, intellectual. Through the use of innovative and varied forms of expression, we intend to take a route attractive and engaging to stimulate the attention, curiosity, understanding and creative reworking of the current socio-environmental issues.
The project foresees the involvement of artists that will compete with works in visual arts, sculpture, installations, video art, integrated mix of arts, representation - in a modern - of the passages of the Divine Comedy, divided in equal numbers for both the three poems (hell, purgatory and paradise). The works are bound in a catalog along with short stories written especially for the event even on issues of interpretation of the three poems (selected from those received) and that will be read and / or interpreted with monologues during the course of the event.
The event will be repeated in Florence in time and place will be announced.

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