Exhibitions, Italy, Urbino, Pesaro, 01 August 2014
is pleased to announce that from 1 to 14 August 2014 ART EXPO 2014

will take place in the ALEXANDER PALACE MUSEUM prestigious location.
The initiative arises from the intention to bring Pesaro city to the attention of the contemporary artistic world, contributing so both to nurture the young creatives and make the importance of already successful Artists know.
The exposition has the aim to create a match point among the artist participants, enable a free exchange of ideas, put different interests and cultures in comparison, promote creativity in a classy context where the art of hospitality finds the perfect union with the visual and creative art:Alexander Palace Museum hotel is a seat declared “ not transportable Work” at the Venice Biennale in 2011
Considered by Paris Trivago in the European Top Ten, that is one of the best ten hotels in Europe, the only one Italian, unique in its genre for its artistic value where users can live a refined, elegant and cultural art holiday immersed in a picturesque scenery WITH THE HOTEL directly ON THE BEACH.

The show will offer a great opportunity to all those- emerging artists, well-known masters and academies students – who will be able to candidate themselves to show their work in the splendid halls of the prestigious seat.
All artistic disciplines will be at the centre of this event which comes up as an appointment of sure interest for the proposal quality, the large number of exhibitors and available for the artists who would like to increase their visibility, from the presence on the website with related sale of the works, to the realisation of critical texts, pages in the catalogue or magazine.
We invite you to take part in the event of the year at the ALEXANDER PALACE MUSEUM ART EXPO 2014, destined to raise a wide consent of users and where Count Alessandro- Ferruccio Marcucci Pinoli di Valfesina, who received for the “Giochi di Nani” the “Piero della Francesca dell’Accademia delle Belle Arti di Urbino” Prize and the “Rotondi - Arca dell’Arte 2010” Award, will be glad to welcome you together with Maria Grazia Todaro , Padua QueenArtStudio Art Director and creator of the event.
The only imperative is: Astonishing, Art must Amaze
Names like Giò Pomodoro, Enzo Cucchi, Mimmo Paladino, Sandro Chia, Gino Marotta, just to mention a few, have given their significant contribution for the realisation of this permanent performance, as his owner, Count Alessandro-Ferruccio Marcucci Pinoli di Valfesina, Nani for his friends, very particular and eclectic personality, writer, poet, painter and sculptor, protagonist of Pescara cultural life, likes to define it.
Every ALEXANDER hall, every room, every detail has the signature of a different author, beginning from Cucchi stele, 16 meters high, put at the entrance, to arrive to bedrooms doors, each one a freestanding work, different from the others Nine floors of contemporary art, not expressed in its fixity but involved in a dynamic game of meetings, comparisons, exhibitions aand courses which will transform the Hotel also in a experimentation laboratory of painting, sculpture, videoart new expressive forms and of the creativity the human talent can conceive.
In brief:
-An exhibition of 14 days is foreseen
- The choice for free of some Works exhibited by Count Nani ( and by a predisposed jury) which will be part of Alexander Museum permanent exposition with a remarkable return on image is foreseen. The same Works will be awarded with mention, trophy, free annual page on the website, free exhibition in an International Expo of QueenArtStudio in 2015 at the organisation discretion.
-a catalogne, brochure, posters etc. of the exhibition are foreseen
- a remarkable advertising of the event on several networks and in local daily newspapers is foreseen
- radio and televisive advertising is foreseen
- A large number of visitors is foreseen and the same hotel customers ( numerous in August) will be invited to the exhibition
- A Vip Gran Galà evening with dinner, several initiatives and invites to famous and/ or well known local and not local personalities, Artists awards ceremony, etc…. is foreseen
- many other things are foreseen..but we will discover them….
To be continued….

To participate and exhibit please send an email of announcement request to

Maria Grazia Todaro Art Director QueenArtStudio
Alessandro-Ferruccio Marcucci Pinoli di Valfesina

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