News, Italy, Napoli, 29 October 2012
Naples, April 8 2012
The day of Holy Easter the Master Omar Salvagno was appointed Knight of Constantine as worthy of many works of mercy, distinguished himself as a supporter of the College orphans of the Carabinieri, and estimated artist.

Massa, April 23
Church of San Giorgio, on the day of the patron saint of the Order is delivered to the letter of appointment to the new Knights.

Lucca, May 12 Basilica of San Frediano
and October 6, Villa Bernardini
The official investiture of new Constantinian knights.

Comments 1

Omar Salvagno
9 years ago
Omar Salvagno Artist
Nelle foto da sx a dx:
i 50 Cavalieri Costantiniani sull'altare della Chiesa di San Frediano; con la Medaglia di Bronzo a Villa Bernardini; con l'Architetto Etsuro Sotoo; con il Capitano di Fregata Pietro Mele; con i miei genitori, la pittrice Sandra ed il Cavaliere della Repubblica Michele.

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