News, Italy, Livorno, 18 November 2013
Livorno, 18 November 2013
The National Association of Italian Sailors chaired by Rear Admiral Luigi Bruni has a monument dedicated "TO THE SAILOR" designed by the Architect Luca Barsotti collaboration with the Surveyor Claudio Filippelli and the artistic contribution of the Knight Omar Salvagno, sculptor, author of the plaque in bas relief made of precious granite azul macauba of Brazil, called the work placed on a round the seafront, the vicinity of the Naval Academy.

The inauguration will be attended the civil, military and religious authorities of the city and the Navy, with the Admiral Pierluigi Rosati and the Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola.
The Knight Omar Salvagno, a sailor on leave, a former collaborator of Admiral Florindo Cerri, owner of the monument "TO THE ARSENAL" of Viareggio (opened along the canal east of the dock, on the occasion of the XIV International Prize Artiglio, May 25, 2013), thanked Rear Admiral Bruni, promoter of the monument and ordered the service plate, designers Barsotti and Filippelli, the Salvadorini Family and the Italian Navy, for the esteem and consideration shown towards him.

Comments 1

Omar Salvagno
9 years ago
Omar Salvagno Artist
Didascalie delle foto, da sx a dx:
con l' Architetto Barsotti e lo staff dell' ufficio tecnico del comune di Livorno; con l'Ammiraglio Rosati, il Contrammiraglio Bruni e l'Assessore Tredici; con la presidentessa delle Belle Arti di Livorno; con la Famiglia Bruni; con mia madre Sandra ed il Maestro Marc Sardelli, pittore di Marina; scoprimento del monumento, taglio del nastro e picchetto armato.

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