Psichic Tv
Exhibitions, Italy, Venezia, 01 June 2013
Edited by Decifra Association
Saturday, June 1st , 2013,
h 19.00
Open Studio Altolab
Via Banchina dei Molini 14, Marghera, Venice

The Association of Turin Decifra inaugurates its programming guest Altolab in Porto Marghera, Venice participating in the fourth edition of Open Studio, during the 55th Biennale of Visual Arts. During the event, Decifra presents the exhibition of video art Psychic TV: a large installation consists of four television stations in four familiar scenes, living rooms where the user will be able to sit down and actively participate in choosing which shows to see by simply changing the channel.
The project Psychic TV focuses on the compulsory communication media, triggering a short circuit between container and its contents, highlighting the importance of the message on the medium through research of the artists involved in this edition.
The name of the exhibition is inspired by the group of Genesis P. Orridge transgender artist who works in the commingling of video messages, a mix of music and performance, following the trend to mutation and change in art as in identity.
Psychic TV is a Noise work from the noise of the contemporary artists fill with meaning television programming giving it a new kind of dignity.

Thanks to the collaboration with Altolab and Anna Zerbaro Pezzin, Psychic TV will be presented June 1st in Open Studio in Venice and then in Padua , June 14th , at the Festival of Arts Synthetic before returning to Venice in the fall to be staged at Studio Ellisse.

Decifra Association
Presenting the project
Psychic TV:

Alessandro Bavari
Alice Grassi
Aurora Meccanica
Elisabetta Di Sopra
Izabela Oldak
Manuela Macco
Massimo Spada
Maya Quattropani
Michela Depetris
Nicole Riefolo
Valentina Maggi
Yael Plat
Francesca Arri
Cinzia Ceccarelli
Debora Fede
Matteo Vettorello
Valentina Calzavara

Comments 4

Waldemar Dabrowski
11 years ago
Mirta Vignatti
11 years ago
Teresa Palombini
11 years ago
Gianpaolo Marchesi
11 years ago

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