The Witch Hunt is presented as a perspective of interdisciplinary inquiry, ranging from the philosophy of history, anthropology, sociology. The cultural theme dedicated to the female is faced by us through the fascinating image of the witch who interprets the stereotype not only as a figure of the past but also as a contemporary archetype. Echoing the famous aphorism of W. Benjamin, according to which
"There is no document of culture that is not at the same time document of barbarism"
we would like to reconstruct and comment through the works of the artists, the dark aspects of the different eras and present to the users a reflection on the cultural history, emphasizing how their barbarism is represented by the witch hunt. The goal is to recover the voices of the victims of history - individuals stigmatized by society - and interpret, through the point of view of the artists, the imaginary of different eras and societies.
The field of inquiry, therefore, will range from past to present. The theme of the rejection of otherness within themselves, resuming the thought of the philosopher J. Derrida, is the main theme of the exhibition. The fear of witches, in fact, is nothing more than the transposition agony experienced in front of our baser instincts and hidden. This fear becomes obsession and is constantly being transferred to other subjects, through a mechanism of negative transference. The company, in fact, they need to build the radical otherness, to denounce them and exterminate them in order to purify themselves and deny their own "Devil in the Flesh." This statement applies to the age old as well as contemporary history.
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