Robot06 digitalvertigo
Festivals, Italy, Bologna, 04 October 2013
For the first time roBOt Festival
rewards the best # digitalvertigo
roBOt Festival - the international event dedicated to electronic music and
the digital arts - awarded for the first time an award through the tender
call4roBOt research and thanks to the support of the Fondazione del Monte. the award
consists of a sum of € 1500,00 , aimed at participation in the next
edition of Live Performers Meeting , to be held in Cape Town ( ZA) 13-16
November 2013.
The winner's name will be revealed Thursday, October 3 . The committee, composed
by the two curators and Marcella Federica Patti Loconte and the Scientific Committee -
consists of Andrea Sartori , an expert in digital technologies applied to the audio ,
Claudio Musso , critic and curator and Valentina Tanni , a journalist specializing in
relationship between art and new technologies - will vote on the project that stands following the
criteria relevant to the topic # digitalvertigo , originality of design , innovation
technology , degree of involvement and value musical and visual .
call4roBOt has collected - in 2013 - about 200 candidate projects , selecting
18 and inserting them into the schedule of Palazzo Re Enzo , with a stop
in the new space Elastic Studio. One of those selected by call4roBOt - in the running
for the prize of € 1500,00 - there are 4 foreign projects : The Ratchet Effect
Matthew Collings (UK) , Danse Macabre by Boris Labbe (FR) , Moon's Journey
Katalin Tesch (HU) , Parade : Overture to A-li - ce & Swub (FR); different performances :
AdVANgARDe - Clutches Postmediali of Saguatti , Coianiz , Fameli and Sailer for Basmati and
Artype (IT) , The Bench of La Capra ( IT) , I'm not playing with Mark and Bob Mendeni
Meanza (IT) , Bleeding Otolab (IT) , K- Sine of Nero.Txt and Esnho (IT) , Spiral
Composition of Fake Samoa ( U.S.), Lie Again by Andrea Magnani (IT) , Video: Self
Portrait of Francesca Arri (IT) , Transferring , Storing and Hybriding : Text_Version of
Marcello Mercado (IT) , Sipping Soma Retrophuture (Fabrizio Passarella (IT) and
installations : I.N.R.I by Andrea Moresco ( IT) .
The proposed projects will range from artistic Milanese collective Otolab , which presents
a performance, Bleeding , playing with the illusion of retinal perception , to
man / machine relationship and rhythm work in the live soundtrack titled Spiral
Composition of the Italian duo Fake Samoa, while A -li- ce & Swub , performer and
Soundesigner , they stage the doubts and uncertainties of our daily lives
Matthew Collings nelsuo The Ratchet Effect explores the possibility of performing
electric guitar in interaction with digital software , in the French-speaking Boris Labbe
Video Danse macabre tradition with a contemporary medieval topos of the
danse macabre , while the collective AdVANgARDe revisits the historical avant-garde
film using live painting , sound and de-structuring glitch .
Giulio Escalona , aka " The Goat " , in The Bench manipulates many different sounds
from radio programs , TV documentaries , interviews , phone calls and sounds
of nature, I'm not playing the duo of Mark and Bob Mendeni Meanza reflects
on the concept of the game stravolgendolo in an unexpected direction .
The feminine touch will be present with Self Portrait of the young video artist Asti
Francesca Arri , compared with the myth of Dorian Gray by creating a dialogue between
spectator and the image and with the Hungarian Katalin Tesch , fusing , in a "journey
moon , "the perspective of the viewer and the surrounding landscape.
Transferring , Storing and Hybriding : Text_Version Marcello Mercado tells the
our daily digital made ​​from kilobytes , megabytes and gigabytes. The combination of
noise , minimal glitch in sound reinforcement and aggressive images and decomposed , gives life to KSine
of Nero.Txt and Esnho while Fabrizio Passarella aka Retrophuture in Sipping Soma
talk about hypnosis and psychedelia.
With Lying Always, Andrea Magnani tip on the direct involvement of the public in
experience disturbing and appealing to the eyes and ears , and finally of INRI
Andrea Moresco , on display at Elastic Sudio ( from Thursday 3rd October to Saturday 12
October, Via Porta Nova 12) , enacts a metaphorical crucifixion of
solitude , in a ' setup a strong emotional impact

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Teresa Palombini
11 years ago

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