Psichic Tv vm edition
Exhibitions, Italy, Venezia, 17 October 2013
Edited by Decifra
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Studio Ellipse
Calle del Paradiso
Castello 5754, Venice, Rialto Area
Decipher in collaboration with Studio Ellipse Altolab and presents the third stage of Psichic TV videoart exhibition, which in recent months has been presented at the 55th Biennial of Visual Arts Dockside Molini 14 , Porto Marghera and during the Festival of Arts of Padua In Synthetic ( k ) ubo by Anna Z. Pezzin Association and Sonika .
For this edition Psichic TV, guest of Vittorio Crosara Studio Ellipse , has expanded its programming schedule with the audiovisual project of BC ( B.E.A & Furthermore, ECRI ) . The two DJ blinds offer a reworking of the themes of the project Psichic electronic Tv Decipher . The live performance of BEA & Furthermore, ECRI is characterized by auditory and visual sampling of tracks in which the mutation and contamination between the abstract and minimal sound and images inspired by the history of art, music , theater and contemporary dance describe the relationship between body and machine, between the heart rate and the bit .
The video Psichic TV as well as fill the television schedule will be proposed in the window of Studio Ellipse, as a consumer product , so that passers-by can come closer to the world of contemporary art while not entering into a project museo.Il Psichic TV puts the ' forced attention on communication media , triggering a short circuit between container and content , highlighting the importance of the message on the medium through research of the artists involved in this edition . The name of the exhibition is inspired by the group Genesis P. Orridge transgender artist who works in the commingling of video messages , music and performative , following the trend to mutation and change in art as in ' identity.
Psichic TV is a work where noise from the noise of contemporary artists fill with meaning television programming giving it a new kind of dignity .

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Teresa Palombini
11 years ago

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