Critical texts, Norway, Oslo, 13 July 2012
The Angelico Costantiniana Accademy of letters, arts and sciences - Association Angelo Comneno Onlus on occasion of the anniversary of its foundation and with the patronage of ROMA CAPITALE, presents the exhibition "FRAGMENTS OF MEMORIES Contemporary Abstraction I, curated by Sveva Manfredi Zavaglia with a critic text of Antonella Colaninno.

"Memory is the diary that we carry about with us." Oscar Wilde

Gulay Alpay, Patrizia Balzamo, Donatella Bellei, Lorenza Bucci Casari, Gianna Carrano Sunè, Chiara Chianese, Michehe Ceribelli, Pasquale Comegna, Ernesto Galizia, Paola Grizi, Fabio Mariani, Marta Maldonado, Cristina Mechilli, Ofer MizraChi, Frèdèric Moullac, Monica Musiani, Polason, Faustino Roncoroni, Loredana Salzano e Laurentia Vallois

The Angelico Costantiniana Accademy, born on July 14th 1949, proposes to develop and diffuse the artistic, scientific, musical, literary and religious culture. This project will has different editions in Italy in the next two years, similar but not perfectly equal.

After the opening of the exhibition, for all the guests it will open The Gran Ballo of Lisianto 2012

FRAGMENTS OF MEMORY - Contemporary Abstraction I
friday 13 July 2012 at 18.30
UNAR Circolo dei Piemontesi
via Aldrovandi, 16a - ROMA

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