FIORENZA la pittrice dei cavalli...e non solo
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 04 February 2012
The S. V is invited

Opening February 4, 2012 at 17:00
exhibition of

"The painter of horses and not only ..."

The New Art Gallery, "Little" is pleased to invite you to FIORENZA exhibition of the painter of horses, which is presented for the first time directly in our shop window "Regalarte" Via Santo Stefano 29 / i.

Fiorenza will show a selection of works that relate to the various issues dealt with by you, such as horses, still life and rural culture.
The artist, who has always been known for its precision and care in pictorial technique, surprising even for the delicate and masterful use of color and for its attention to issues such as NEWS stalking through ancient symbols.

The exhibition will be open at the premises of the New Art Gallery of the Small Via Santo Stefano 29 / s until 26 February 2012.

The Piccola Staff

Comments 5

Nuova Galleria d'arte La Piccola
13 years ago
Crepi il lupo e grazie a tutti per l'incoraggiamento!!!
Fiorenza è un'ottima artista grazie alla sua esperienza di miniaturista e la sua passione per la cura del particolare...è sicuramente una mostra da vedere!!
Andrea Boldrini
13 years ago
monica zambon
13 years ago
monica zambon Artist
Associazione Roberta Smedili
13 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
13 years ago
che meraviglia , mi piace !!

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