Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 03 August 2012
The S. V is invited Opening August 3, 2012 18.00 exhibition "THE SCENTS OF SUMMER" During the month of August, the New Art Gallery houses a small exhibition definitely summer. The artist Maurizia Piazzi we present a selection of his beautiful still lifes, oil that is in pencil, with fruit, flowers and vegetables; Joan Rapezzi we women nymphs in fantastic locations and with his feminine colors, Alberto Bottura has entered frames in precious details of her body, even paying homage to the Maestro Lucio Fontana, Angela Asatryan with the study of symbolism, will present his personality; Mapia Kapzh makes us discover his original polimaterismo Marco Boschetti and delight us with the harmonies of surrealism. An exhibition that brings artists to compare very different, original, we will savor the scents of summer. The exhibition will be open at the premises of the New Art Gallery in Via Santo Stefano 29 Small / s until 31 August 2012 (week ending from 13al 19). The Small Staff
Comments 7
GIULIART vieni a trovarci!!|!!Siamo aperti tutto il mese di agosto tranne dal 13 al 19 e il lunedì è il nostro giorno di chiusura...ti aspettiamo!!!
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