Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 18 January 2013
The Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola begins the new year with a two-person exhibition presenting two artists who express, through two different painting techniques, their most intimate.

On the one hand we Nicola Marchi young artist passionate about history and baroque music, and these passions are read perfectly on his canvases the colors and antique gifts, sweets women's faces and figures dandy.
On the other hand there Rodolfo Savoia using watercolor crayons Carandache NEOCOLOR II, but used dry, the brilliance of its colors, lying on smooth paper, leave room for figures of extreme realism and perfection sometimes set in the whiteness of the interior, in the deepest darkness, or on sandy beaches.

Comments 5

12 years ago
giannigrasso Artist
in bocca al lupo
Nicola Machi
12 years ago
Nicola Machi Artist
Grazie colleghi! Siete gentilissimi! Crepi il lupo!
Cinzia Battagliola
12 years ago
Tantissimi auguri:)
alberto bottura
12 years ago
Saluti e auguri.
Laura Gerlini
12 years ago
Laura Gerlini Artist
In bocca al lupo per la vostra mostra.

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