Art and music from South America
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 15 June 2010
Tuesday, June 15 at 19.00 Tartaglia Art gallery opens in its place, the exhibition "Art and music from South America" by Queen Nobrez. For six artists exhibit their works, ILCA Barcellos, Susana Bianchini Marinali Goulart, Juliana Hoffmann, Dirce Korb, Oscar Miletto, with a variety of styles and themes, ranging from figurative to. The techniques used are of various kinds: painting, sculpture and contemporary ceramics

The objective is the perspective followed in recent years by the Gallery Tartaglia, to bring people to the knowledge of the world, to experience the soul of the cultural heritage of each country through modern contemporary artistic expression. In particular, this event will be enriched by music and Brazilian food for a more complete appreciation of and places where the show takes place.

This exhibition comes from an idea of Queen Nobrez, journalist and director of magazine what happened. The artists were chosen from dir. Riccardo Tartaglia art during his last trip to Brazil during which he laid the groundwork for future projects that will see an exhibition of Piero Tartaglia at the historical museum of Santa Catarina in Florianopolis and a wider exchange with art galleries in Brazil, Brazilian and Italian artists.

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