Gao Yang in Florence
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 10 February 2010
The artist Gao Yang, a leading figure in contemporary Chinese art, was a guest on 11 February 2010 on the Edison Library of Florence for his works and talk about his personal experience as an artist who lived between two cultures important as the Chinese and Italian.
In fact his life was conducted among a relatively long period in Italy, where he came into contact with the major artistic currents present in the eighties and nineties and China, where he began his academic studies and was part of the experience of the Village eastern Beijing, which produced the famous performance, known throughout the world, “Adding a meter to an anonymous mountain” selected and exhibited at the 48th Venice Biennale in 1999. The presentation was attended by the critic and art historian Maurizio Vanni, also curator of the forthcoming exhibition of recent works by Gao Yang, art made in the village of Song Zhuang, FYR Gallaria director of contemporary art, Rosanna Ossola and artist who has interviewed by Maurizio Vanni left first and then by numerous people who were present at the conference, much to the events in China and became interested in the person of Gao Yang.

On this occasion it was announced the next exhibition of Gao Yang, Time’s diary, March 12, 2010 at the FYR contemporary art in Borgo Albizi Florence with a selection of recent works, sponsored by Rosanna Ossola, edited by Maurizio Vanni.

Cecilia Chiavistelli

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