Gao Yang, born in Mongolia, after the Academy of Fine Arts in China, is pushed by his artistic interests towards the experience of the Oriental Village in Peking, where he starts practicing new styles. Together with other artists he organizes in 1995 the performance, titled “How to add one meter height to an anonymous mountain”. He was asked to expose it at the 48th Biennale di Venezia in 1999. He decides then to live in Italy, Torino (Turin), from 1998 to 2001, where he spends more than five years, while deepening his abilities getting in touch with Italian contemporary Art movements. His production is under the influence of Italian and Chinese culture at the same time.
Back to China in 2002, he lives and works in Song Zhuang, an Art Village near Peking.
His linkage with the two cultures is evident in each work of Gao, who pushes his research towards a compromise in style between orient and occident.
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