Hierós, Contemporary Sacred Art
Exhibitions, Italy, Teramo, 26 November 2011
In today's world, where as children we were taught to say "before Christ" and "after Christ", it is difficult to think that they have the same perception of the divine and the sanctity of the first inhabitants of the planet.

The man of the third millennium (whether believer or not) can not touch the religion that is lost in the mists of time. Always through the filter of the mentality of Jewish-Christian tradition.

This means that we can know nothing of the gods worshiped by the fathers of our fathers?

Not at all. Wall paintings, figurines, pendants engraved decorations on vases of prehistoric tell us of a world that celebrates the Creator Goddess, Mother Earth and all living things with it, as sharers in his divinity. The Goddess is represented pregnant and naked, or in the position of labor, or with prominent breasts and buttocks.

An ancient religion which reveals itself through an art made of signs, symbols and images of deities. But the Goddess of Fertility and Giver of Life is also the Goddess and the Goddess of Death Reggitrice recuperative reflection of a cyclical concept of time in the art that translates into spirals and circles, in the snakes, symbols of vitality and regeneration benefits well away from the snake killed dall'Indra Vedic, or the much more famous biblical allegory of original sin that pushes Eve to take the forbidden fruit.

The religion of the antediluvian system then draws its symbolic and iconographic observation of nature and its laws: there is no distinction between the sacred (that which belongs to the deity) and the Profane (which does not belong to him). Even the slightest manifestation of nature is a hierophany.
Difficult concept to grasp for us, brought up with a clear separation between Spirit and Matter, Adamic heirs of that religion in which the Father Creator, from the Kingdom of Heaven, governs a material world populated by sinners seeking salvation.

Comments 4

Associazione Roberta Smedili
13 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Marianna Merler
13 years ago
TST Art Graphic
13 years ago
TST Art Graphic Journalist
Complimenti, spero in una ottima partecipazione.

Alessandro Paron
13 years ago
Tanti tanti auguri sinceri

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