Rebel Rebis - Self Portraits & Poetry by Monica Maria Seksich
Exhibitions, Italy, Asti, 19 July 2012
The word is a sign and sound. The painting is a sign, perhaps born from the sound, in a succession of mysterious verses, portraits, phonemes, love and suffering, ancient symbols and graffiti overhauled in a contemporary way. Dreams and suffering in exhibition to Soundgarden.
The paintings intersect with the poems, poems with the senses, the senses with sounds.
What better place, if not the Garden of Sound?
In the middle of signs, the dark and primordial sounds of “Arpìe”, poetic and theatrical performance on the doomed relationship between music, death and magic syllables.

In the esoteric tradition Rebis is the representation of the double, the two, Harmony made . The Rebis (from”res bina” double it) has sealed a famous figure reported by several authors in the first place in his treatise on the nitrogen Basil Valentine (1659).
The artistic career of Monica Maria Seksich this difficult goal came with the questioning of all certainty, with the trans / progression continues between the ancient and the modern, sensual experimentation across different arts, painting, poetry, theater. A little bit’ of Bowie (Rebel Rebel is one of his favorite songs), example of the perfect androgyne, a bit' of Velvet Underground, mixed in an alchemical crucible where they meet the Olympians and the rock, the Tarot and the reason, the Delphic serpent and Lou Reed, earthy colors and gold, metal alchemist par excellence, the red blood combined with the disturbing black and white, which was a leitmotif of post punk.

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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