The Batrosauro Canin (Batrosaurus canìnensis), as the name implies, belongs to the family of frogs. In enhabits the territories around Mount Canin. He shows up only in winter, strolling among the flowers of ice cream “Fantasy Snow Garden” and consumes ice, spirits and abandoned ski boots. It is a rather lazy amphibian and does not hunt. He prefers just to sit with the his big mouth open, waiting for its favorite food to drop in. A happy Batrosauro expresses his mood with its characteristic “GROoooOOK”!
The Batrosauro Canin (Batrosaurus canìnensis), as the name implies, belongs to the family of frogs. In enhabits the territories around Mount Canin. He shows up only in winter, strolling among the flowers of ice cream “Fantasy Snow Garden” and consumes ice, spirits and abandoned ski boots. It is a rather lazy amphibian and does not hunt. He prefers just to sit with the his big mouth open, waiting for its favorite food to drop in. A happy Batrosauro expresses his mood with its characteristic “GROoooOOK”!
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