Sculpture and Mosaic .  From Lucio Fontana to Pietro D'Angelo, The Metamorphosis of the tessera in sculpture, between XX and XXI century
Exhibitions, Italy, Arezzo, Montevarchi, 08 June 2014
Sculpture and Mosaic have enjoyed a magical union in Italy since the end of the 1930s. Two ancient arts combine to create a totally new and exciting art form whose origins are ancient and forgotten.
Beginning with Lucio Fontana’s and Mirko Basaldella’s first attempts, the exhibition recognises and shows the pre-Columbian sources of this modern declension of Italian sculpture. For the first time ever it traces its evolution and also documents the various artistic researches of the second half of the XX Century and XXI Century, right up to the youngest generation of artists who interpret the concept of “piece” in a metamorphic way.

Il Cassero per la scultura italiana
dell’Ottocento de del Novecento - Via Trieste, 1
Montevarchi (AR)

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