Dominic Delnegro
Dominic Delnegro, the more 'great artist of 3Millennio BOOK COLLECTION OF POETRY domenico delnegro "THE THIRD EYE OF THE MONSTER" COMING SOON "EDITIONS FELTRINELLI"
THURSDAY '24.11 - 21.00 pm: An evening of poetry, THE WORDS OF WOMEN 4th event, dedicated to women's writing, the cycle of meetings / evenings in November 2011 the exhibition "THURSDAY' Turri ', organized by' The Association counts in collaboration with the ARCI Martyrs Turro, which will take place, with free admission with ID ARCI, the Circolo ARCI Martyrs Turro, Via Rovetta, 14 in Milan.
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Dominic Delnegro
Dominic Delnegro, the more 'great artist of 3Millennio BOOK COL...LECTION OF POETRY domenico delnegro "THE THIRD EYE OF THE MONSTER" COMING SOON "EDITIONS FELTRINELLI"
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And Theatre Association-THE COUNTER-(Dominic Delnegro poet and intellectual)
10 minutes of poetry to Domenico Delnegro poet and intellectual in the world day of violence against women
THURSDAY '24.11 - 21.00 pm: An evening of poetry, THE WORDS OF WOMEN 4th event, dedicated to women's writing, the cycle of meetings / evenings in November 2011 the exhibition "THURSDAY' Turri ', organized by' The Association counts in collaboration with the ARCI Martyrs Turro, which will take place, with free admission with ID ARCI, the Circolo ARCI Martyrs Turro, Via Rovetta, 14 in Milan.
The evening poets and poets are invited to read texts by women against violence against women
Mothers, daughters, sisters, representatives of the nation,
want to be able to establish in the National Assembly.
Considering that ignorance,
the neglect and contempt for women's rights causes
of public misfortunes
and the corruption of governments.
Of Olympe de Gouges guillotined in 1793
Through the resolution number 54/134 of 17 December 1999, the United Nations General Assembly designated November 25 as International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and invited governments, international organizations and NGOs to organizing activities to raise public awareness on that day.
Although there have been significant advances in national policies to reduce violence against women, more than one hundred countries still have no specific legislation against domestic violence and more than 70% of women in the world have been victims during their life physical or sexual violence from men. Violence is also a negative influence on educational attainment of women, their ability to succeed on their work and public life, away from progressive companies achieve compliance with the principles of equality and equal opportunity. "In Italy, despite the recent introduction of standards more stringent, instances of violence and discrimination are still numerous. We are convinced that violence can not be considered just a matter of public policy, but, as suggested by the President of the Republic on several occasions, "the necessary interventions repressive, to be exercised rigorously and without indulgence, you must combine practical action to spread, first in school and in civil society, a conception of the woman who respects her dignity as a person and is opposed to merely vulgar consumerist visions of mold often also conveyed by the language of media and advertising. Only then can we create a culture of genuine respect towards women. "" To do this you need the help of all the social forces. "View More
by: Dominic Delnegro ..
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