Critical texts, Italy, Milano, 29 December 2012
Talking about childhood art means to act on the concepts theoretically complex simplicity and above all with great ease, the discourse on modern and contemporary art all the more reason it should be clear concise and understandable at the same time effective and lightweight. It is in fact let the boys in the spirit, emotions, in curiosity, in the field, gesture, ...... the poetry of a 'work, giving them the opportunity to understand where it comes from: what processes , looks, experiences, reflections ingredients, preceded and somehow explain their existence. If in the presence of classical painting of the figure, the genres, the story, the expression on the faces of feelings, it makes more conversational and understandable approach to art, (even on complex issues such as light or color contrasts) in the 'approach to the contemporary works of art in which the figure is absent, are missing an important opportunity for communication / understanding with the boys. And 'necessary then playing games that percorrano the processes through which an artist or movement has come to express themselves. As an example: in front of paintings of Pollock or Widow our first thoughts and projects tend to find what chance games, such as 'machines' perceptual and manipulative we can invent because children discover the how and why (such as emotions, gestures, glances, relationship with reality) of those paintings. Or again: if we want to bring the kids to the abstract landscapes of W. Crozier it seems important to propose a path through which to explore the many depictions of the landscape painters of the eighteenth century, the Impressionists, the macchiaioli Cubists, to changes in the abstract Kandinsky, Klee
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