News, Italy, Roma, 01 January 2013
The Voice of the power of the chairs of state, must not and can not 'affect our Liberta', we are a people free to think out by the statistics, market forecasts, from the ideological constraints and partisan, we are and we are free to think of everything what 'and what' we want the manifestation of our Freedom 'individual and collective well-being and protection of labor rights and health and welfare in the case, free of rhetorical schemes of governments lame and sick, ethics, partitismi, authoritarianism, giudizialismi in every form of demonstration and application in the name of power hungry and worn that oppresses us, so that 'the mirror and 2013 is mirroring' of a well lived to the full, and that the people in unison celebrating a new social, free and independent, efficiently and with full respect for democracy is often denied, that 'the hope that all of us must aspire with faith and devotion Greetings 2013 under a starry sky, with a thousand scents in accordance with our expectations.
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