Akelo - Andrea Cagnetti in ANTE MATERIAM
Interviews, Italy, Perugia, Gubbio, 07 May 2014

Akelo - Andrea Cagnetti in
from May 2 to May 29
Diocesan Museum -Gubbio

It was inaugurated on Friday, May 2nd at the Diocesan Museum of Gubbio, a solo exhibition of Akelo - Andrea Cagnetti "Ante Materiam " by Catia Monacelli and Elisa Polidori, the exhibition will be open until May 29 . Interventions are : Bishop Mario Ceccobelli , Bishop of Gubbio, Paul Salciarini , Head of Cultural Heritage Office Diocese of Gubbio , Catia Monacelli , Director of Diocesan Museums area , Elisa Polidori, Art Historian - Contact Diocesan Museums .
The artist tries to drop the visitor into a rarefied cosmic dimension button, powerful vibrations , which slowly but surely turn into a glowing magma. From this primordial matter detach small particles , as driven by an inner need . Or perhaps mysterious meteor energy , the search for new spatial locations , harmonious and read. Particles which, after long wandering , give rise to increasingly complex realities . Projecting - with the magical spinning dance - any size , now hovering upward momentum with sudden , now probing novel three-dimensional depth . All different , yet covered by the same subtle breath of creation and life , full of references to the stringent rules of divine rationality that govern everything. In this scenario, where everything is possible , it fits the look visionary artist, who first " split " the seemingly incongruent movements of matter, and then give them new directions. And here are the particle shape and thickness of the sculptures Akelo : the mysterious mechanisms spinning in infinity , the rough shapes designed to represent the "backbone " of things , until the early sketches of human profiles that will populate the world . They deserve a separate mention the latest creations of the artist - Dreaming , Longing and Last Breath - designed to populate a new creative horizon , which will gradually widening , first in his imagination , then in reality. Three figures , surprises many moments of their existence : the first shrouded in deep unconsciousness of sleep ( dreaming ) , the second crossed by a vibrant thrill vital ( Yearning ), which reaches out desperately in search of the light , while the third (last breath ) tries to break away with inhuman fatigue from the ground , ready to suggellarne , instead , the end . Only thanks to the inspiration of the sculptor , these figures already given to anything, they re-emerge , finding the lost likeness and projecting towards the highest dimension of the spirit .

A craft them , once again with the precision of the metal, that infinite amount of tiny particles that compose matter of the cosmos . And so it is that art helps man to take revenge on the death penalty in all time and space that death itself has invaded with an air of violent and premature aging. Has always been dedicated to a private life in his country of origin , Corchiano , not far from Rome , Akelo focused from an early age , the study of alchemical texts and literary sources of Greek and Latin traditional , paying particular attention to the treaties metallurgy , jewelry , stone processing and ceramics . Studies and experiments that would lead to this brilliant artist - grew up in Etruscan land , but with a fantasy projected into the new millennium - to create a Corpus of works , consisting of jewelry and sculptures, unique .

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2 May to 29 June 2014
Diocesan Museum, Via Federico da Montefeltro 1 , 06024 , Gubbio ( PG)
Thursday, Friday , Saturday and Sunday 10:30 to 17:00
Profit Association Emigration Museum - Palazzo del Podesta
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