Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 01 January 1970
Title of exhibition: Confetti - Personal ...
Genre: Contemporary Art
Posted by: Antonietta Campilongo
Presentation - Marilena Fineanno
Organisation - Press Office:. NWart
Period from February 26 to March 10, 2011
At show
Address: Via Santa Maria in Monticelli 66
City: Rome 00186
Vernissage: Saturday, February 26, 2011 18:00
Refreshments - Catering Dream Srl
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday - 16:00 to 20:00
Admission: free
Agnese Bruno (ARTEMENTE)
Elena Candoli (MEETINGS)
Cristina Castellani (Irony epic poem absolute)
Luciano Lombardi (The real possibility)
Sante Wall (Light and reality)

anto.camp @ fastwebnet.it
Tel 339 4394399 - 393 3298266


"We are in the seventies, even at the end of the decade, the carnival for us children was very similar to that for assonance of enthusiasm celebrated today, though at the time there was a lot less ... the memory of my first carnival is linked to Women's really just a disguise, because it embodied the legendary Zorro. Result nice with the black hat and sword
plastic, given to me by a mother still hesitant, after many recommendations on a "judicious use". It was part of the "envelope" a "precious" bag of confetti, only one given the constraints of time, everything to me ... I was so fascinated by folklore, the chase in a flurry of confetti fluttering, regardless of the fleetingness of those carefree times where it all breaks down in the scatter in this game, so new and magical to me. "


This is the title of the exhibition will present to show in February, the month of Carnival.
Five artists will exhibit their works in a week full of festive and carefree, a different Carnival, where there are no costumes and masks are banned.

Get in the game to face uncovered is permitted, indeed appreciated.
Let us take off the mask, throw confetti in the infinite time of this game.

"Returning to the memory narrated in the first lines, I remember the end of this festive evening in lengthening shadow of the impending announcement of the evening, my bag was still intact and my mother placed it in a drawer, saying that the 'would secure for the coming year. It was like receiving a signal, shortly after my room was a jumble of multicolored indefinite forms, under the blanket of confetti joyfully launched by the same child who will manifest in your eyes, and dress forms in today, Saturday, Feb. 26 to show for ... our carnival of art and color "

Marilena Fineanno

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