Query. It is an object, but also a way of being, to live life, to take advantage of the time, to interpret the art. The question is why an artistic choice involves an interaction between audience and artist. And in fact such questions as "Why?", "Why?", "But will this mean? Yeah, no ... "tried to answer all the generations of historians and sociologists of the arts.
But the point, for an artist, is another: the point is to arouse interest and push to see the world through a different perspective, with a vision through the cd pink lens of metaphysics.
Shine. The choice of an English word to canonize her signature style is not merely a bow to the Anglo-Saxon culture. Lara de Angelis will not bow down to the economy made in the USA which for years has been the cradle of modern cultural patronage of the arts. Sure does not subscribe to the fast way to pose in life as if every moment of our daily life was focused e-commerce, self and everything. Lara chose this term because, as too often happens with the English vocabulary, the much-lauded ability to synthesize glottologica leaves room for a multiplicity of interpretations.
The world of photography of the second millennium has little imagination.
Too many see photography as a mere cast of visual reality. No matter how you shop for art: it's just experimentation. In the press, the media. But with the foundations of this discipline was nothing. Upon settlement, there was curiosity about life. Not only the post-interpolation.
Lara de Angelis has understood this. It has found its way into the diverse world of one who loves to play with photography. The Shine is this. One way to question and wonder overlapping evocative images or notes on a surface completely natural and as old as time: the human body. Among the hills and valleys of a naked light reflexes (ex english shine) the nature, architecture, images dear to our cultural background, but with one shot, a cut that does not reflect the artificial physiological life, but outlines elusive, undefined.
The attention is on the fabric colors: urban, as the canonical images of French cards, like the tangle of electrical synapses of a cancer cell.
Georg Simmel, analyzing the work of the great art masters, from Rembrandt to Rodin, tried to demonstrate the social conditioning of art: he emphasized the similarities between the flavor symmetry and authoritarian forms of government or the socialist societies, and the asymmetry associated with particular forms of individualism and liberal state.
Lara de Angelis Press now puts the precariousness of the social contract: the absence of the State, the Nature that bully back in the imagination, the precariousness of life that leads us to believe in the mirage of easy winnings, the disease. It does this through glare, brillii, iridescence (ex-shine english) challenging us in search of the word, to taste dell'esclamazione, beyond language and beyond idiom.
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