Francesca de Angelis provides his unique and original contribution to the battle that contemporary artistic currents lead against anorexia and mentalism put in place by the new avant-garde. It is therefore not the only anachronism to rebel against Dadaismi academy and become grim orthodoxy. Precisely because we are firmly opposed to reductionism, our ranks in the field of Informal bulimic and shiny they want to continue the adventure. That said, can not take a stand against the open debate at the time, from Argan and Barrilli; against the first, sided openly side with the latter. Argan offers a nihilist interpretation of the Informal Barrilli rejects that decision. which means, by Francesca de Angelis, make a choice in the informal Years Zero? Means to reclaim the survival of the painting right through the exhibition of the painting itself, a painting that resolves the matter Dionysism-color. At the same time the artist says on his "issue Italy", the dominant subculture, in fact, is falsely Baroque because, on the inside, is miserable and inhumane. Such a subculture Francesca de Angelis opposes the luxury of an art which, infinitely enriching itself, enriches both the paintings that the viewer. But all this is not enough because the de Angelis is abandoning an abstraction for a perfect juxtaposition to the visible. Let's see what it is.
The material that, until now, celebrating the chaos of its interior, curtains, thanks to Landscapes, to "relax" in a nature that hints at the recognition. The visible and the ascertainable but do not reach their pitch. Why the flaked world remains and is reluctant to order sirens? in our opinion it is not difficult to answer such a question. Francesca de Angelis is an "artist of the 'imaginary', and therefore feared even the slightest contact with mimesis. The world is invaded by his delusion for so convulsive and continent, delirium which, quite simply, is the freedom the ultimate reasons.
Robertomaria Siena
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