"Portraits of Heroes, Powerful and Dictators"
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 13 June 2014
Press release
"Portraits of Heroes, Powerful and Dictators"
exhibition by Mario Tosto

The exhibition by Mario Tosto titled "Portraits of Heroes, Dictators and Powerful" will be staged at the Galleria Minima - Contemporary Art of Rome, from 13th June to 19th September 2014.
Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini: Three dictators for whom the judgment is unique. They are dominated by the use of force, considering the opponents as enemies to be eliminated and subjecting justice system, the press, education, culture and art.
Others are the heroes, that of justice, freedom and solidarity have made life model, in the coherence of their being, remain in history as models to rediscover and retrace.
And finally, the powerful who wield power, controlling finance, politics and the economy.
The visitor is pleased to consider.

"Portraits of Heroes, Powerful and Dictators"
Mario Tosto
from 13/06/14 to 09/19/2014
Minimum Gallery - Contemporary Art
Via del Pellegrino 18, Campo de 'Fiori
00186 Rome
Free admission
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 16.00 to 19.30 or by appointment
Mail: galleria_minima@hotmail.it
tel: 3393241875

Comments 5

10 years ago
Cat Photographer
Compliments !
Suzan a1qq Hijab
10 years ago
molto buono per il tempo
Maristella  Angeli
10 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Loredana Sansavini
10 years ago
Loredana Sansavini Photographer
Waldemar Dabrowski
10 years ago

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