As part of the event were honored by the Association Roberta Smedili the winning artists
Ilaria Garda
Stefania Mazzoleni
Laura Butti
Sabrina Crotta
Marta Disetti
Speakers at the event
Giuseppe Conti - Mayor of Garlate
Mattia Morandi - Managing Director of the common culture of Garlate
Salvatore Tarallo - President UNICEF Lecco
Nevio Lo Martire dirigente scolastico dell'istituto "Lorenzo Rota" di Calolziocorte (LC)
Valentina Dominici - Garlate artist and a great friend of 'Association Roberta Smedili
Alfonsa and Giovanni Smedili – Associatzione Roberta Smedili
Egidia Beretta Arrigoni - Mayor Bulciago (LC) and mother of Vittorio Arrigoni VIK
Adriana e Annamaria, Franco Anna Simona e Luca, friends of Roberta.
All artists participating in the exhibition "Artisti per l’UNICEF"
The citizenship of Garlate (LC) and nearby towns.
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