Angkor, Cambodia
Exhibitions, Hungary, Pécs, 10 June 2011
I was still going to the university in 1983 when some students were silently dozing off in a stuffy room, darkened because of a slide show. On that day I was also one of those who hardly payed any attention to the lecturer. Then, half asleep I suddenly heard a word. As if I heard „aggkor” (“old age” in Hungarian) or „akkor” (“then” in Hungarian). I looked up on the screen because I wanted to know what the professor was talking about. What I saw, astonished me, despite the appallingly bad quality black and white slide. A huge head carved of stone looked down at me, smiling mysteriously. I thought I would like to see that sculpture one day, face to face once, if I have a chance.
The face of the smiling god haunted me for years. For 16 years to be precise. Finally, in 2000 I decided to go to Cambodia and take photos of the statue.

I was three times in Cambodia, in 2000, in 2003, and now in 2011 again. New photos and new exhibition. :)

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
13 years ago
Hi Sandor, good luck for this event

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