CONTEST CERAMICS: IDEA q.b. Participation from 10/08/12 to 01/10/12.
Prize calls, Italy, Torino, 01 October 2012
Contemporary art in ceramics is the protagonist of the contest

IDEA q.b. organized by Movie & Arts Srl, which once again shows proactive in stimulating artistic creativity, the distinguishing feature of the company.

Arts in Voice shares the aims of the project: to spread the culture of ceramics in daily use.

Movie & Arts relies on the artistic coordination of Arts in Voice that will be responsible for the assessment and selection of the works of the candidates, through the involvement of the best experts in the cultural association.

Double C: Communicate Ceramics is the goal inherited (or won?) From Arts in Voice.

Movie & Arts relies Arts in Voice, aware of the capabilities that it provides, to stand in giving visibility and make available, in an unprecedented way, the contemporary art.

Participation in the contest runs from 08.10.2012 with last date 01/10/2012.

Learn more in Announcement downloaded from

Contacts: - tel. 393.920.89.18 - 393.920.50.96

Communication and press office:
AndEventi Communication is art! tel. 348.22.84.301

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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