GIORGIO MELZI - R O A D S Enjoy Abstract!
Exhibitions, Italy, Siena, Montepulciano, 18 June 2016
Abstract enjoy! Abstract painting that arouses strong emotions. The genius of a person, of a great Italian artist who has the ability to embrace every nuance of color and return the image universality, peculiarities of himself and of his land.
A new artistic alliance, that has arisen with the City of Montepulciano, from Saturday, June 18, 2016, will host the personal ROADS Master Giorgio Melzi, already present at Expo Milano 2015.
Sponsored by the City of Montepulciano, ROADS arrives in the Siena, which maintaining a deep bond with prestigious artists such as Giovanni Fattori, a member of the Macchiaioli, with great interest in the Master Melzi that, through the abstract, tells of contemporary routes and future. Of humanity in transit on roads that unite and divide, offering steps toward tomorrow, they wonder about the freedom of movement and about what are the boundaries that offer shelter.
A 2015 full of exhibitions and critical acclaim for Melzi. From May to the Museo della Permanente in Milan until October in the beautiful surroundings at Ata Hotel Expo Fiera, close to the big event which saw the World in Milan, Expo 2015.
And 'in Tuscany land Melzi is invited to follow the mission of the big event.
Routes, milestones, travel, changes, revolutions. Roads guardians of public memory. Men driven by the need or curiosity, towards knowledge. No weapon but the power of the culture delivered and that choice. All, without exception, we have walked a long way and we continue to do so.
The Melzi project takes a look at the past in order not to fall into collective amnesia, crossing a suspension bridge, where everyone has the opportunity to take the time to intercept what interests them without the risk of losing it, towards a better future.
The uniqueness of the artist seems almost magical, which reveals the secret in his saying: << I love to play with light, with color, with brushes. Step by step, through research, work the color, I make it my and then I create the contrasts. The range of blue, from cerulean to cobalt, the pigments of sienna natural and blend from which the Siena earth emerges burned .... is impossible for me not to use it. When I enter a color shop it is as if a child went into a toy shop >>
Born a stone's throw from a color factory, by nature intended to soak, understand and pass on the color. A natural approach, natural, necessary. An instinct developed between Milan and alleys in the Brera Academy of Fine Arts. An artist ready to conquer the world. A deep man, who for forty years seduces us with its works of art and says he can not do without, because it teaches how to: << These artists, these people, they have changed your life. However you feel that, you like it or not like them, you love them or you disgustino, you in any case you will never be the same. >>
Organization and by artistic direction of Anna Alessandra Meneghetti AndEventi of Communication, under the patronage of the Municipality of Montepulciano and lyrics of "The Between" Francesca Petrone.

The initiative is supported by highly prestigious local and territorial partners, such as Az. Agr. Poliziano, leader of the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG awarded 25 times by the guide Gambero Rosso Wines of Italy with the renowned "Three Glasses"

The project is implemented with the historic partnership of Top Digital, innovative Milan-based Audio Post Production, significantly linked to the artist's career. A twenty-year relationship that, between Top Digital and Giorgio Melzi, witnessed by the permanent exhibition of the artist, hosted by the Hotel.

Via San Donato - Montepulciano (Siena)
Sala Maria Russo

Opening Saturday, June 18 17:30
From 18 to 27 June 2016
11:00 to 13:00 am - 16:00 to 19:00 pm

Info: - ​​phone +39 348 22 84 301

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