Exhibitions, Italy, Cremona, Crema, 30 April 2022
On April 30, 2022, in Crema at the Galleria Arteatro of the San Domenico Foundation, Via Verdelli, 6, the artistic project The Man Who Draws Faces by Luca will be inaugurated with the collaboration of Bertoluzzi Comunicazione. Bertoluzzi well-known advertiser, born in Crema but with a long London career.

The Man Who Draws Faces does exactly what the no-me says about him; he draws faces, only faces, exclusively faces, intriguing, faceless but wonderfully unique, FACES.

For 'The many faces of The Man Who Draws Faces', around thirty works will be presented, divided between original screen prints and high quality digital prints.
The artist's characteristic is this spasmodic desire, pleasure and probably need, to continuously draw wherever he is and on any surface: often on torn pieces of paper, on diary pages, on the back of an envelope ... and more.

The screen prints and digital prints on display were created by professional craftsmen using and enlarging the original works, with a limited edition of 25 copies, stamped, numbered and signed by the artist.

A certainly new artist in the area, but with a background that will amaze even the most demanding admirer.

We hope many of you will come.
Inauguration: Saturday 30 April 2022 at 18:00 cocktail
Duration of the exhibition: from 30 April to 15 May 2022
Gallery opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 4 to 7 pm
Sunday: from 10 to 12 - from 16 to 19

INFO: Bertoluzzi Communication Crema Via Verdelli 19
tel. 0373/624691 - info@bertoluzzicomunicazione.it


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