C.U.T. (Color Unique Thread)
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 29 November 2013
"The visible world is only a fragment of a larger cosmic whole, where there are many other hidden reality" Paul Klee.

This premise can be helpful to better understand the new series of art works that the artist Andrea Bazzechi is going to show in his exhibition called C.U.T. The inauguration will be held on Friday, November 29th, 2013 at the gallery Agora-z in Palazzo Strozzi, Piazza Stozzi 1, Florence.
But what exactly does C.U.T. mean? First we must say that the artist seems to use it both as acronym and a noun as well. Cut of course means to cut, referring in this case to the will of abandoning forms and approvals, codes of language and pre-established models, with only one purpose: to explore the color, his relationships and his dynamic interactions.
C.U.T. therefore not only offers a censure, a drastic cut, but also a possible diverse way of investigation through the chromatic expressionism, hence the acronym for Color Unique Thread C.U.T..
For the artist Andrea Bazzechi the color is not only a technical means, but it is mostly a researching tool to convey those perceptive insights, molding the clusters of color, shape them, going through them, outlining the emotional states of transition and transfiguration.
The result is a pictorial matter so dense, firm, scratched, expression of an instinctive ability completely natural and alien of any conceptualism.
The exhibition C.U.T. will be open from November 29th 2013 to January 2014, every day from 10.00 to 20.00 on Thursdays from 10.00 to 23.00, free admission.
Virginia B. Ganucci Cancellieri

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