clodia comics
Prize calls, Italy, Venezia, Chioggia, 21 May 2012
Regulation of COMICS COMPETITION FOR BEGINNERS-Clodia Comics 2012 ¬ -
The group announces the competition for cartoonists Clò rookies "Clodia Comics," whose ceremony will take place at the Palazzo in Chioggia Carlo Goldoni, at the conclusion of scheduled events including the exposure of all the participating works.
The contest theme is Chioggia, a town in the Venetian lagoon rich in history, culture, art and traditions related to fishing, agriculture and traditional crafts.
Participants are asked to appear in the city of Chioggia illustrated history as context, character, memory, or other important element in the course of the plot. In referring Web site will list the locations of Chioggia to choose what is best for your story.
We recall that the last date of delivery of business October 5, 2012. For information visit
For those who want it, you can visit by appointment Palace Carlo Goldoni, in the historical center of Chioggia, which was the historical residence of playwright Carlo Goldoni and previously a portrait of Rosalba. For information and reservations call 349.3977697.
1. Participation is limited to students, artists, designers, non-professional newcomers who are over 18 years of age. For beginner, you want a professional author who has no employment contracts in the field of design and has never published with publishers nationwide. They are open to all students of schools of comics and writers who work with fanzines. It also accepted the involvement of a group of authors, but it will be necessary for all newcomers, who have come of age and that the personal data of all participants are entered in the registration form.
2. Requested features the works must be unpublished and present absolute adherence to the proposed theme, the works should consist of a table A3 (42x29 cm, 7). Is allowed freedom of choice regarding the technique used (manual or computer graphics), color (black and white, duotone, color and digital coloring) and the presence or absence of text (story or scene-shot) provided that a narrated "history". Will be accepted by the jury both tables cartoon illustration boards.
3. You can not participate with more than one work.
4. Participants must send by registered mail with return receipt or a printout of the original plates in the case of creation of computer graphics in A3 (pointing at the back in clear handwriting your name and e-mail the author) attaching the module completely filled out in all its parts with readable writing:
Realty Carlo Goldoni
Calle Rosalba 307
30015, Chioggia-Venice-
It also requested the upload of digital works (300dpi resolution, jpeg format) made by site. Both the delivery of the recommended upload must be made no later than October 5, 2012. It will be the postmark. Because the registration can be considered valid, must be received at the Palazzo Carlo Goldoni's original paper is the table that the digital format.
5. The participation fee is required.
6. All boards will remain the Group Clò available for 6 months from date of award. They will then be returned upon request by mail upon payment of postage or withdrawal at home.
7. The jury, composed of professionals and local personalities, will assign a score to each work received and will decide the winner at the end of the exhibition that will display all jobs October 14, 2012.
8. The list of participants, the winners and all information will be published at / i,, www.kromeidon. Com.
9. The award ceremony will take place at Palazzo Carlo Goldoni, in Chioggia. The prize is the publication of the top 3 stories of sculpture and pottery workshop "Way of the Earth" in Rovereto to the winner.

Comments 2

Maria Nella  Marangon
12 years ago
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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