The opera, a 1967 "Vespa 50" has been revisited in a fancy Pop style through a personal research of glittered and snappy colours as the result of the imaginative mood of an artist that perfectly setted up all the details.
The rise of this young, brilliant and talented artist still continues. He works with passion, strenght and determination , to excite the attendance but, at the same time, he continues the research of colours and the sperimentations of new materials, an artist world made of pathos and sensorial experience.
Comments 5
Beh, in effetti ha qualche cosa di attraente in se, lo vedo per le tante foto che riceve sin dalla prima volta che l'ho messa in esposizione.
Aspetta quando farò la 500!!!
Ci vorrà tempo, MOOOOOOLTO, ma la farò!
E' già pronta nella mia testa, insieme agli altri mille progetti!
Grazie mille!
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