Personal Exhibition
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 13 May 2012
Personal Exhibition.
Vernissage Sunday 13 May 2012, 5.00 pm.

Caffè Giubbe Rosse is a café in Piazza della Repubblica (13-14r), Florence. The giubbe rosse of its name are the "Red Shirts" of Garibaldi's forces during the Risorgimento, a badge of honour for liberal Italians, reflected in the silent allusion of the waiters' red jackets.

The café has a long-standing reputation as the resort of literati and intellectuals. Alberto Viviani defined the Giubbe Rosse as "fucina di sogni e di passioni" ("a forge of dreams and passions").[1] The Giubbe Rosse was the place where the Futurist movement blossomed, struggled and expanded; it played a very important role in the history of Italian culture as a workshop of ideas, projects, and passions.


Comments 3

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
ferdinando sorbo
12 years ago
buona fortuna.
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Bravo !

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