Italia comes to you ENIT
Fairs, Brazil, Porto Alegre, 31 October 2011
Porto Alegre was one of three Brazilian cities chosen by the Italian National Tourist Board (ENIT) to host the event "Italy comes to you." The attraction was created to promote and consolidate the country's image as a European tourist destination along the countries of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China). One of the objectives is to promote bilateral trade between firms. For the promotion, ENIT will build a structure, named AIR DOME Farroupilha in the park. The space will be multi-purpose spaces for artists, cultural exhibitions open to the public, institutional meetings between Italian authorities and local and business meetings between travel agents, tour operators and other stakeholders. According to Costanzo, one of the pillars of the event will promote the exhibition "Italy through the eyes of foreign artists' works of art produced by ten contemporary artists who sought inspiration in Brazil after a period spent in Italy. Among these is the special guest 'Italian artist who lives in Porto Alegre Daniele Berga.
According to the institution of the Italian culture and tourism will promote the excellence of products "Made in Italy", as in fashion, design, food and the arts. Moraes has welcomed the initiative and stressed the strong ENIT proximity to the Italian culture that exists in southern Brazil. "To strengthen these ties and exchanges of partnership will open new prospects for tourism, given the current level of connectivity by air between Porto Alegre and Europe via Lisbon," said the secretary.
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Comments 17

Domenico Aquilino
12 years ago
Auguri dal vecchio continente!
Rosa Lamberta
12 years ago
Rosa Lamberta Artist
Auguroni di cuore!!!
Maria Cristina  Neviani
12 years ago
Sono molto felice che l'Italia sia rappresentata da te, tanti auguri di cuore!
laura scaringi
12 years ago
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grandissimo in bocca al lupo Berga
12 years ago
Ilaria Giolli
12 years ago
Ilaria Giolli Artist
Complimenti!!!!!Tanti auguri per questo evento!!!!
Ilaria Giolli
12 years ago
Ilaria Giolli Artist
Complimenti!!!!!Tanti auguri per questo evento!!!!
Mauro Kronstadiano Fiore
12 years ago
Tanti tanti auguri di cuore,sono davvero felicissimo per te..
12 years ago
Berga Artist
Vi ringrazio tantissimo per questa grande espressione di affetto!!!! Mi è scesa la lacrimuccia....Vi abbraccio tutti e contraccambio elogi e successo!!!!!
graziella lucchin
12 years ago
beh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! complimenti.....
italo ferrara
12 years ago
italo ferrara Artist
Sei un grande... Daniele, c'è poco da fare!
Stefania Scala
12 years ago
Un grido...Lo sentirò...
Enrica Borla
12 years ago
Enrica Borla Artist
"invitato speciale"! urca! specialissimo, grandissimo: ci farai fare un figurone!e di questi tempi qui nel Bel Paese ne abbiam tanto di bisogno...
monica zambon
12 years ago
monica zambon Artist
Tantissimi auguri!
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Mes voeux de réussite !
Teresa Palombini
12 years ago
Un grande in bocca al lupo!

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