Critical review of prof. GIORGIO Falossi volume CRITICAL ANALYSIS Ed IL QUADRATO
Critical texts, Italy, Milano, 05 January 2014

Painter and sculptor . In sculpture Valentina Vivacqua molds his material dictated by the theme of love relationship , often desperate and violent, but also of a humanity that is distinguished by its excesses . The result is a dialogue of figures with shapes that make up a block, in which the symbol is an introduction to the reality of love and it is not only performance, but also push the redemption of salvation. There is no space , there are no features, compact size and excludes the spirit and creates a gloomy atmosphere . In painting Valentina Vivacqua , the poem opens with the landscape, and still love to his female figures. They are also silent and unhappy . Dreamers of freedom. So do these works extremely feminine , where no doubt there is truth , made of rich colors with a crescendo of feelings expressed in the wise hue to strengthen language hot and throbbing. We could talk for a surrealism to Dali, but Valentina Vivacqua you customize a sign that naive observer , however, offers strong incentives to reflection, and , you know introduce its all a strong sense of maturation of the creative act .

Comments 2

Valentina Vivacqua
10 years ago
Grazie. Il professore Falossi è un grande della critica e non è un "pennivendolo" :)
Gianpaolo Marchesi
10 years ago
Complimenti vivissimi!

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