It 's true that there is no two without three; In fact, there are many issues that they saw me as a director of this important cultural event, event, because it would be limiting to talk about single exposure of Art, are many indeed, appointments that you consume in this episode september now indispensable, and that touch issues such as poetry, teaching and technology, communication, and meetings with artists from around the world.
The choice we have decided to implement to make a 'qualitative impression and worthy of a context like that of Spoleto, is the selection, because we do not believe that everything is art, and that all are artists; in the words of Pablo Picasso, "The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web", why we believe in the passion and emotions that a true artist can tell you when you look at his works, we know that improvisation shines in rough work and superficial, and that love and devotion are, in all fields, the key to success. In the edition 2015 will present great Art Piedmont names in the splendid setting of Palazzo "Leonetti Luparini with the likes of Giorgio Flis, Martino Bissacco, Doris Scaggion, Loredana Pumpkin, Marcello Cesaro, Raffaele Fiore, John Bacuzzi and Loris Dalmasso, together Lazio an extraordinary artist, Maria Casalanguida, which will offer us a world that revolves around the energy kinetic art movement. Moreover, Artinvest Ltd. and Spoleto Arts Foundation, have in fact started a collaboration that will bring them short, to create a forum for the real schools of Art, where artists to tell the world the value of our culture and our history, inextricably linked to art and artists who have left memorable pages in the book of human existence, also the commitment to bring in Spoleto great Art will become 'increasingly a prerogative of our work, to offer the general public, in addition to large international art names, artists that will mark new roads in the wonderful Art path.
Roberto Girardi
Journalist and art critic
Direttore Generale ed Organizzativo Ing.Roberto Girardi / cell +(39) 335 258333
Direttore marketing e Relazioni Esterne dr. Paola Biadetti / cell +(39) 347 4137208
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