2012 Comel – Vanna Migliorin contemporary art Price
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 18 February 2012
2012 Comel – Vanna Migliorin contemporary art Price

CO.ME.L., acronym for “COmmercio MEtalli Latina”, is a leading company in trading and processing semifinished aluminium metals that has been working in Latina since 1968. In the last years, CO.ME.L. has put great effort in promoting the territory in which the company is based by sponsoring cultural events.
Here comes the idea of the 2012 Comel – Vanna Migliorin contemporary art Price that will take place at the “Spazio CO.ME.L. per l'Arte Contemporanea” in Latina, Via Neghelli, 68 from the 18th of February 2012 to the 18th of March 2012.
The price aims to:

- promote contemporary art;
- strengthen the bond between art and business;
- promote aluminium, a workable, versatile, flexible and recyclable material.

The commission for the price is composed by the art historian Silvia Sfrecola Romani, the artist Giuliana Bocconcello and the designer Annalisa Lazzarotto and its objective is to stress on the expressive, aesthetic and communicative potentials of aluminium. The commission selected the works of thirteen Italian artists for the exposition that will take place at the gallery expressly opened for this event.

The CO.ME.L. Price was born to promote contemporary art as well as aluminium, a material that unites extreme versatility with outstanding aesthetic values. It testifies the will to build a possible bond between art and business, a bond that can be strengthen also by promoting alternative and recyclable materials.

The ideological and cultural planning that led to the establishment of the first prestigious edition of this price was strongly wanted by the Mazzola family in memory of Vanna Migliorin, a modern art enthusiast and entrepreneur in metals business, recently passed out.

CO.ME.L. PRICE » Secretariat
TELEPHONE +39 0773 473008 – FAX +39 0773 697940
EMAIL info@premiocomel.it
WEB http://www.premiocomel.it - http://www.facebook.com/PremioComel

CO.ME.L sas di Mazzola Alfonso & C.
Via Congiunte Sinistre n.398 04100 Latina (LT)
Telephone + 39 0773 695911 / 0773 662447 - Fax + 39 0773 697940
www.comel.com - www.alluminio.com

Comments 2

Maria Cristina  Neviani
12 years ago
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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