Exhibitions, Italy, Messina, Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, 20 October 2012
Art Passion Barcelona
On 20 October 2012 there will be the inauguration of the International Art Exhibition in Barcelona on Barcelona Passion Art at the prestigious gallery space Ada Art Gallery in c / dels Salvador, 8 in the historic center of the beautiful city!
Website of the gallery: artistic director Isabel Capdevila
During the vernissage there will be a musical performance of the group Jazz ~ ~ EERA, and the dance of the dancer LADY BONBON with a grand finale of burlesque.
Vernissage and opening Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 19 pm
The exhibition period is from 20 October 2012 to 1 November 2012
The gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from 17 to 21:30
Event organization Artists in the World
Angelo Ribezzi
Curator Ilaria Pergolesi
Event Photos
Laura Gozzi
Participating artists:
Carlo Arezzini
Valentina Arichetta "It Ari"
Blessed Bendinelli
MariaTeresa Bertina
Simonne Bignoli Chevalier
Agnes Brown
Bruno Bruno "Bibbo"
Stefano Canotti
Luke Cappai
Giusy Carbonaro "Juliah"
Hello Pasquale
Gennaro Ciccimarra "Gennart"
Gian Potito De Sanctis
Emanuele Degano "Lele"
Salvatore Deiana "Salvo"
Maurizio Di Carlo
Teresa Diraimondo
Nadia Esposito
Salvatore Falco
Pasqualino Feast "Mure"
Giusy Forest
Mario Formica
Michela Franch
Marilina Frasci "Drudylla"
Gianluca Fumelli
Edward Giavelli "Giav.E"
Cristina Gradellini
Couduzer Jozef "Go"
Claude Ledoux
Giacoma Lo Coco
Consuelo Longhi
Martina Malavasi
Andrea Mara
Barbara Massaro
Gherardo Membo "raredog"
Valeria Micalizzi
Alessandro Morino
Federica Serena Mossa
Cristina Parruccini
Think Thomas
Enzo Perego
Ilaria Pergolesi
Giovanna Sundari Picciotto
Claudia Small
Anna Proietti
Teodoro Fourth
Stefania Rea
Angelo Ribezzi
Chiara Righi
Lucrezia Rolle
Letizia Romagnoli
Maria Teresa Romano
Rita Russo
Rosella Saffioti "Saffir"
Clear Schiaratura
Aurelio Scotto
Sirius Sergo
Charles Silva
Sonia Simoneschi
Brigitte Brigitte Thonhauser-Merk
Ugo Trapè
Paola Ventura
Loretta Zaganelli "Liz Za"
Andrea Zampollo
Zerboni Yolanda "Yoli"

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