The show will focus on the changing body, conceived as the key to preferential passage between worlds, from real to virtual. Mutation that occurs when the physical universe becomes something else, where the human becomes idol electronic Aidoru, Japanese word that William Gibson used as the title of a novel, which means, of course, Idol.Through all the techniques used in contemporary art, video, painting, photography, sculpture, installation and performance, the seven artists investigate the difficult relationship between excess body man of the third millennium and its disappearance within a hypercomplex society, increasingly based on the means of computer technology. And 'the female body in particular, already linked to mutoginia anthropologically, to undergo this form of fascination, as he writes, in fact, the editor Massimo Sgroi: "While the virtuality befits God then we must recognize that the substance angelic female universe, its ability to be changeable and / or mutagenic, represents one more chance in the transition between the real and the electronic form or, as seems increasingly Gibson elettroneuronale. That is the argument that, because of their ability to more easily incorporate the changes, women are much closer to the dizzying transformation of a world made up of different types of reality. "
Show off digital processing Karin Andersen, German artist who lives and works in Bologna, charcoal on paper, video installation view, respectively portraits of artists Turin Constance Costamagna, Monica D'Alessandro and Sabrina Milazzo shots of Arash Radpour , Iran photographer who lives and works in Rome and works (installations and photographs) by Matteo Sanna, Sardinian artist living in Rome where he lives and works. The opening day will take place on paths of the mind, an unprecedented performance Ina Nikolic, versatile performer was born in 1977 in Sarajevo.
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