Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 04 September 2014

The Gallery Wikiarte
In collaboration with the prestigious
In Piazza Mentone, 2-50120 - Florence (FI)

Is pleased to invite you
Thursday, September 4, 2014 18:00

Duration shows 4 to 18 September 2014
At the opening of the exhibition



At the second event of the project and Artistic Sensations, recorded the first successful, it highlights not only the certainty of its validity but, above all, its cultural and historic value. If the story itself is a "narrative" prepared by the imagination and reason, knowledge obtained by investigation, culture, as well as being the process of building a heritage behavioral ethical and aesthetic, especially for today is basically a vision identity and historically determined. In essence, an idea born from an important environment, physically and ideally, artistic and a leading editorial, socially and culturally affirmed, acquires a presence of continuity can be inserted, in fact, in a process of conservation of the facts. These are worthy of memory because educational, experiential, illustrative for the contemporary artistry. The insistence on certain figures, the discovery of other, demonstrates the dynamic nature of this opus secundum that the secondary has only its chronological placement. The second episode of Artistic Sensations offers, in fact, a multiplicity of visions always in extension, which show that it is impossible to describe adequately the entire current make-artistic aesthetic. It becomes necessary, therefore, a necessary operation extended in time and space, quite free from any type of royalties, in order to embrace a wide range of expression, but, at the same time, saturated skills such as to allow a selectivity valent and plausible on a cultural system more and more commercial and less ethical. The ethics and aesthetics, however, have always been linked as the first, since the inter-subjective feeling of respect and harmonious relationship with the environment, allows us to keep the second one, since it is the feeling of inter-subjective immerse themselves peacefully in the world. That said, we abandon philosophies, because it is already clear how urgent re-establish the emotional connection between man and his habitat interior and exterior. Always task of art, this link is the guideline for Artistic Sensations, whose creators pose the task of recovering the lifeblood of creativity and highlight it, stabilize it and keep it in place, working on everything it offers art scene. And what are the best performers of this operation, if not the protagonists dell'esternazione of two of the main aesthetic expressions of human interiority: the visual arts and literature. Exhibitions and editions catalogative are the physical ordeal and enduring over time, recording a phenomenal set of beliefs that unites the two operating units: the gallery Wikiarte and publisher Mondadori. The many words, therefore, would not provide much since it involves a conciliatory between visual art and the affective. It is thought ars experience the wonder of intellectual speculation and without compulsory involvement pragmatic. The imaginal mind creates a mood that allows the global motion of affection, the same one that leads us to have an artistic feeling is not always tied to a linguistic or cognitive response. For this reason, often in front of a work of art remain speechless but full of feelings.

Denitza Nedkova


Sauro Benassi – Stefano Bettini – Margherita Calzoni - Angelo Conte
Fabio Dall'Olio - Giuseppe Dente - Mario Esposito - Antonella Falcioni
Feofeo - Lucia Fiaschi - Ruth Helena Fischer - Rubens Fogacci - Enzo Forgione
Gian Luca Galavotti - Filippo Guicciardi - Il Petroniano - Angelo Mancino
Stefano Manzotti – Luisa Modoni – Dina Montesu - Milton Morales
Ronak Moshiri - Yajaira M. Pirela - Marco Randazzo - Massimo Renzi
Susanna Seilkopf - Sirenes - Glenda Tinti - Roberto Tomba - Luca Tridente

Artistic Sensations (second volume)
Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori
€ 20,00 Available in Gallery

Introduction Curated by:
Denitza Nedkova (Art Critic)

Sponsored by:

Info and contacts:
Mail: info@wikiarte.com
Site: www.wikiarte.com
Site: www.galleriamentana.it

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